Catholic Ministry Coordinator

Eielson Air Force Base Chapel Parish Coordination

28 Aug 2024

Eielson Air Force Base Chapel

Parish Coordination



The successful candidate for this position will be a 1099 contractor with Music Ministry International and be responsible for the following:

Eielson AFB Catholic Ministry Coordinator 


1. Title. Catholic Ministry Coordinator for the Eielson Air Force Base (AFB) Chapel.

Catholic Ministry Coordinator herein called “Coordinator.”

2. Scope of Responsibilities. Responsible for Catholic Community administrative functions in support of religious worship at Eielson AFB, Alaska, and to make recommendations to the Catholic Chaplain with regard to the development and implementation of Catholic budgets, programs, volunteers, and religious education. Foreign nationals are not eligible bidders because of the more-than-incidental contact with minors. The Coordinator shall provide all personnel, labor, materials, and transportation to provide non-personal service in support of the EAFB Chapel Catholic Community and (faith formation) religious education program. The Coordinator shall serve as the primary coordinator, teacher, facilitator, and organizer of the Catholic religious education and faith formation program which is under the responsibility of the Wing Chaplain.

2.1. This is a non-personal service contract to perform duties as the Coordinator. The US

Government shall neither supervise nor control the method by which the Coordinator performs required task herein. It shall be the responsibility of the Coordinator to guard against any actions that are of the nature of personal services or give the perception of personal services. The Coordinator should notify the Contracting Officer immediately if the manner in which the contract is administered gives rise to personal services. These services shall not be used to perform work of a policy/decision making or management nature (e.g., inherently governmental functions). All decisions relative to programs supported by the Coordinator shall be the sole responsibility of the US Government.

3.0. Education and Experience. Coordinator must:

3.1. Possess a high school diploma or equivalent.

3.2. Possess a minimum of one (1) year of Catholic Religious Education Coordinator or teacher experience or two (2) years of experience as a volunteer in Catholic ministries.

Demonstrated with resume of individual performing services and a letter of recommendation from former employers or leaders of churches in which volunteer services in Catholic ministries were provided.

3.3. Possess (or willing to obtain within six (6) months at coordinator’s expense) a valid Catechist certificate issued by the Archdiocese of Military Services (AMS).

3.4. Remain in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church and have received Sacraments of Confirmation in the Catholic faith.  Demonstrated with a letter from applicant’s current pastor or immediate previous pastor.

3.5. Demonstrate a knowledge of and commitment to the Catholic faith and practice as articulated by the AMS.

3.5.1. Be knowledgeable about and able to teach and assist in the selection process of Catholic religious education curricula, in accordance with AMS, to include familiarity with mission, theology, Biblical interpretation, methodology, age-level appropriateness, scope and sequence, and visual appeal.

3.6. Be certified (or willing to complete certification, at coordinator’s expense, within 90 days of beginning contract) in adult and child Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and use of

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) device

3.7. Be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English in order to perform all responsibilities outlined within the JOB DESCRIPTION.

3.8. Skills:

3.6.1. Interpersonal: Must possess the ability to constructively work well with others in a

3.6.2. Professional: Must be able to efficiently organize and manage diverse program elements. Must maintain professional standards of conduct and public decorum, including but not limited to dress, grooming, and appearance.

3.6.3. Communication: Must be able to clearly communicate, verbally and in writing, the needs and goals of the Catholic Community to chapel staff, volunteers, program participants, and customers.

3.6.4. Computer: Must have a working knowledge of computers in order to perform all administrative tasks and be familiar with Microsoft Office products.

3.6.5. Budget: Must understand the basics of planning, developing, and executing a budget.

4.0. General Responsibilities. Coordinator shall:

4.1. Maintain active participation and attendance in the Eielson Chapel Catholic worship and religious program (registered in the Our Lady of the Snow Catholic Community).

4.2. Be responsible to develop and maintain the Eielson AFB Chapel Catholic religious education and worship program to include, but not limited to religious education for all ages,

Holy Days and special liturgies, Vacation Bible School, lay-led Bible studies and small groups, children’s holiday programs and other special events as deemed necessary by the Catholic Chaplain.

4.3 Oversees all Catholic volunteer programs (example: teachers, lectors, fellowship, Altar Servers, etc.) to include recruitment and training, maintaining Catholic Parish Advisory Council (CPAC) minutes, and worship service support.

4.4 Assist the Catholic Chaplain in developing the following in regards to Catholic programs

as appropriate: annual calendar of events, Chapel Tithes and Offerings Fund (CTOF) Budget,

Appropriated Fund (APF) budget, and core volunteer training requirements. The Coordinator

shall submit to the Catholic Chaplain a proposed annual Catholic program calendar and budget

for approval.

4.5. Assist the Catholic Chaplain in completing requested letters for various sacramental

needs, to include but not limited to sponsorship letters, marriage records, baptismal records,

Confirmation records, First Communion records, and notification letters to civilian churches.

4.5 Propose effective advertisements of Catholic programs and events to the Catholic

Chaplain and implement the advertisements upon approval by the Wing Chaplain.

4.6 Coordinate and ensure that all purchase requests for Catholic programs are properly completed and submitted in a timely manner.

4.7 Attend all requested meetings to report on Catholic program activities, events, and budget updates to include but not limited to the CPAC meetings and Chapel Staff meetings.

4.8 Coordinate with the Catholic Chaplain and chapel volunteers to create effective Catholic Community and religious education programs for the Eielson AFB Catholic community.

4.9 Provide recommendations for annual volunteer recognition to the Catholic Chaplain.

4.10 Provide a replacement for any absences exceeding 10 weekly hours to ensure 100% coverage for all responsibilities listed within this JOB DESCRIPTION. The replacement shall meet or exceed the qualifications of the Coordinator and must have obtained background check clearance per paragraph 6 of this JOB DESCRIPTION. This shall be coordinated with the Catholic Chaplain and approved by the contracting officer’s representative at least 14 days prior to the start of performance by the approved replacement. The Coordinator shall not employ/sub-contract any person to perform any of work required by this JOB DESCRIPTION on Eielson AFB without prior approval from the contracting officer or designee. The Coordinator will ensure base access for the replacement. The replacement will not be issued a Department of Defense (DoD) Common Access Card (CAC).

5. Specific Responsibilities. Coordinator shall:

5.1. Plan, direct, and teach or provide volunteer teachers for appropriate Catholic Faith

Formation programs to include classes at the Eielson AFB Chapel at the date and time deemed necessary by the Catholic Chaplain with Wing Chaplain approval.

5.1.1. Collaborate with the AMS, local dioceses and parishes to establish goals and objectives for Catholic Religious Education programs or to develop ways to encourage program participation.

5.2. Plan, supervise, execute and ensure the availability of text and materials for the Catholic worship and faith formation programs, to include but not limited to, Religious Education grades Kindergarten (K) through twelve (12), Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)/Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC), First Reconciliation class/retreat and rite, First Holy Communion classes/retreat and rite, Catholic Youth Group retreat, Children’s All Saint’s Day Celebration, Children’s Christmas Pageant, and other AMS approved activities as deemed necessary by the Catholic Chaplain.

5.3. Select and purchase Catholic worship service and religious education supplies, equipment, and authorized curricula approved by AMS, in accordance with CTOF and APF Air Force Instructions (AFIs), Department of Air Force Instructions (DAFIs), Department of Air Force Manuals (DAFMANs), local Operating Instructions (OIs) and chapel policies. Any purchases made prior to approval are unauthorized.

5.4. Ensure execution and electronic tracking of the approved budget.

5.5. Provide and maintain an adequate level of worship supplies and inventory of consumable religious education materials, Catholic resources, and equipment. A quarterly report shall besubmitted to the Catholic Chaplain or designee.

5.6. Coordinate with the Catholic Chaplain on a weekly basis to facilitate Catholic worship and religious education programs and events.

5.7. Assist the Catholic Chaplain or designee with all Catholic baptism and dedication


5.7.1. Schedule and facilitate Baptism Preparation class, to include those requesting Baptism of children and for those requesting to be Godparents.

5.7.2. Draft certificates for baptisms and dedications.

5.8. Ensure facility request for Catholic programs, occurring in Chaplain Corps facilities and in other base facilities, are filled out and submitted to the Chaplain Corps staff to be processed in a timely manner.

5.9. Be accountable for security and cleanliness of all facilities utilized in conjunction with their programs. The Coordinator is responsible for opening, restoring to its neutral setting, cleaning, and securing any chapel facilities used for Catholic programs and events.

5.10. Ensure that background check qualified, adult supervision and leadership volunteers are present at least 30 minutes prior to scheduled start times of all Catholic activities and will remain present until the last participant under the age of 18 has departed.

5.11. Ensure compliance with rules/laws in regard to use of any copyrighted materials.

5.12. Prepares weekly worship service bulletins and religious education announcements.

 5.13. Prepare memoranda and professional correspondence pertinent to Catholic community requirements.

5.13.1. Provide copies of all filled paperwork to individuals who received the sacrament, as well as an explanation of how to receive an official certificate from the AMS.

5.14. Record attendance at all Catholic programs and events and report numbers to the Catholic Chaplain within 2 days of an event’s conclusion.

5.14.1 Maintain electronic attendance records: names, dates, and rosters of all participants and volunteers for the review of the Catholic Chaplain.

5.14.2. Maintain a current roster of active AMS approved Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion or Eucharist volunteers. Ensure the records are updated with the AMS.

5.15. Maintain a continuity file for Catholic programs; submits after-action reports electronically to the Catholic Chaplain for all Catholic programs within 5 calendar days following the close of each event outside of faith formation classes.

5.16. Maintain a professional attitude and environment to include hygiene and appearance.

5.17. The Coordinator may be required to attend and/or participate in Chaplain Corps conferences or training. Travel for such events, if required, will be funded by APF, contingent upon availability of funds and approval by the Wing Chaplain.

6. Criminal History Background Check.

6.1. The Coordinator shall submit a completed background check application (as required by DoDI 1402.05 Criminal History Background Checks on Individuals in Child Care Services) to the Chaplain Corps background check program manager within 20 days of contract award. It is mandatory that all coordinators working with children under the age of eighteen (18) undergo a background check investigation in compliance with DoDI 1402.05 and AFI 52-101, Planning and Organizing. Until a favorable background check investigation has been completed, the Coordinator shall remain under Line of Sight Supervision of a cleared Chapel Staff member.

6.2. Disqualifying information on the background check can be grounds for termination of the contract. In accordance with AFI 52-101, the Wing Chaplain has final approval authority for personnel (including coordinators) working or participating in military-sanctioned chapel programs.

6.3. Provisional background check guidance: While the Coordinator is waiting for background check determination and has started performing duties, he/she will remain under line of sight supervision (LOSS) at all times while around children under the age of 18 years when parents or guardians are not present.

6.4. The Government shall reserve the right to terminate the contract if the required background check is not completed within 60 days of contract award or if the background check reveals disqualifying information as determined by the Wing Chaplain.

6.5. The Coordinator has the right to obtain a copy of any background check results pertaining to them and to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the report.

6.6. The Coordinator must ensure that all volunteers working with youth below 18 years of age have a favorably adjudicated background check as described in DoDI 1402.05, Criminal History Background Checks on Individuals in Child Care Services. The Coordinator shall ensure that all specified volunteers and individuals pending favorable adjudication remain under Line of Sight Supervision when children are present. Line of Sight Supervision is also required for all non- specified volunteers as described in AFI 52-101.

6.7. Non-US personnel in overseas locations (excluding Hawaii, Alaska, and other US occupied territories where US laws/codes applies) must adhere to host nation’s background check guidance, determination, and must be consistent with or equivalent to a DoD Tier 1 investigation, to the greatest extent possible.

6.8. Non-US residents within US and territories must follow DoDI background check instructions and guidance.

7. Duty Hours. Coordinator shall be required to be present for the following:

7.1. Approximately 40-50 hours per month performing the duties specified within this JOB DESCRIPTION.

7.1.1. The core work hours for this JOB DESCRIPTION are four (4) hours on site during normal office hours over a period of two (2) days each week and 6 flex hours for weekends and events that fall outside normal duty hours for a total of 10 hours. Hours may be reduced or shifted when religious education classes are not in session or when religious education events (e.g. VBS or equivalent program) are taking place (see Section 7.3.).

7.1.2. Certain seasons of the year require more hours but shall not exceed 15 hours per week.

7.2. Changes to work location or work hours must receive prior approval no later than 14 days in advance from the contracting officer or designee prior to advertisement of absence or implementation, unless it is an illness or family emergency. Absences due to illness or family emergency will be considered on a case by case basis. All email correspondence regarding changes shall be sent via email to the contracting officer or designee (courtesy copied) to the Catholic Chaplain for coordination.

Interested Candidates are requested to forward their resume together with three references from individuals who can attest to the candidate’s good work and steadiness.  Candidates who do not possess the specific attributes/qualifications in section "3.0. Education and Experience" above need not apply. This is a part-time position with compensation based on budget and the successful candidate’s experience and qualifications.  

Apply directly at: (scroll down to “Eielson”).  Your application requires providing reference information for (3) individuals including one priest or pastor who can attest to your abilities as they relate to this job posting.  References must include: name, title, organization, relationship to you, email address (necessary field) and phone number. Depending on security software, candidates are requested to monitor spam folders for further application communications from MMI.