Catholic Religious Education Coordinator

Peterson Chapel - Colorado Springs Catholic Religious Education

08 Sep 2024

Peterson Chapel - Colorado Springs

Catholic Religious Education



The successful candidate for this position will be a 1099 contractor with Music Ministry International and be responsible for the following:


1.1 Scope of Responsibilities:

1.1.1. The Religious Education (RE) Coordinator (herein "coordinator") plans, coordinates, and implements Religious Education for the Peterson AFB Catholic Parish, in accordance with the 21 SW Airman Ministry Plan. The coordinator serves as the primary RE resource contact, acts as the advisor and coordinator of the day-to-day operations of the RE program, and administers the Catholic RE of the Catholic military community including military members, dependents, and other participants.

1.1.2. The coordinator shall promote an atmosphere of religious sensitivity to all Air Force personnel participating in chapel programs. However, no form of coercion shall be employed by the coordinator or their employees to cause USAF personnel or their family members to conform to a particular religious denomination or faith group either directly or indirectly. The coordinator shall ensure that all key leaders and volunteers comply with this no-coercion policy. Respect for other religious faith groups shall be maintained.

1.1.3. The coordinator must be able to work in a pluralistic environment, alongside chapel staff, coordinators, and others of various backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, etc.

1.1.4. The coordinator shall design and implement RE programming for adults, youth, and children, and will assist in building a solid spiritual foundation. Programs may include but are not limited to: Sacramental preparation for Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

1.1.5. The coordinator will also be responsible for recruiting and training teachers, catechists, and other volunteers for the RE programs. In the event that RE teacher(s) are not available, the coordinator may be required to teach the approved RE curriculum.

1.1.6. The coordinator shall manage the day-to-day operations of the RE program, such as, but not limited to recruiting, training, assigning, and overseeing teachers, helpers, substitutes, and other volunteers in the Religious Education Program. The coordinator shall also inform the Catholic Chaplain or Wing Chaplain's designated representative of any needs, issues, or concerns, etc.

1.1.7. Contactor shall maintain professional conduct and present themselves in a neat, clean, and well-groomed manner wearing business/business casual clothing for office work, and other appropriate, conservative attire for events.

1.1.8. Coordinator will be notified in writing by the Contracting Officer of all noncompliance work and shall be given an opportunity to correct, if possible, noncompliance work. The coordinator shall respond in writing to any notice of noncompliant work within 30 days of notification.

1.2. Period of Performance/Place of Performance

1.2.1. This requirement calls for support at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado. The Period of Performance in the contract is anticipated from 22 September 2024 - 21 September 2029.

1.3 The coordinator must participate in safety training and update skills as needed.

1.4. Qualifications:

1.4.1. The coordinator must demonstrate the following via résumé or CV: A bachelor's degree or equivalent, preference will be given to education or ministry degrees. At least three (3) years of experience in Catholic Religious Education. Strong preference will be given to experience in military chapels. Proficiency in written and spoken English communication. Word processing skills including the use of MS Office or similar (e.g., Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) Show a strong theological grasp of the Roman Catholic faith

1.4.2. Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS) Catechist Certification: The coordinator shall hold and Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS) Catechist Certification, or be able to complete certification training within 90 days of contract award. The coordinator, if not currently certified, shall apply for and receive the AMS Catechist certificate to perform within the AMS. This process will be conducted in accordance with the current AMS Priest's Manual. The coordinator shall begin this required training and application process within 30 days of contract award.

1.4.3. In accordance with AMS Catechist certification requirements, to be certified as an AMS catechist, the coordinator must: Be a practicing Catholic who has received the sacrament of Confirmation, Be recommended by the senior priest at the installation Have satisfactorily completed one course (or two seminars) through the University of Dayton Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation or Catholic Distance University, Apply for certification using the appropriate form Complete a favorable background check Complete a training program on the protection of children and young people as called for by the Dallas Charter.

1.4.4. The coordinator shall be responsible for the AMS Catechist Certification fees and associated costs. Additional AMS catechist certificate information may be found at the AMS website:

1.5. Period of Service/Number of Units

1.5.1. This position will require 12 months of duty for the base year as well as four (4) option years.

1.5.2. A unit consists of one month of service performance, 12 units total per year.

1.5.3. The coordinator is required to work 20 hours per week but may be required to work up to 40 hours per week during peak weeks. Peak weeks may include the week before or during Confirmation, First Holy Communion, and Holy Week/Easter, etc. Any additional hours must be approved by the Wing Chaplain or Chapel Contract Officer (CO), in accordance with the 21 SW Airman Ministry Plan.

1.5.4. The coordinator will provide regular customer service hours as approved by the Wing Chaplain. The hours shall be posted in an appropriate place where customers can easily access them.

1.5.5. Hours include Sunday morning programming, weekly chapel staff meeting, and Catholic Advisory Council meetings (as a non-voting member). Hours may also include training required by the Wing Chaplain or Superintendent and other events as required by the Airman Ministry Plan.

1.6. Substitute Contract Personnel/Sub-Contracting

1.6.1. In the event of a key personnel change, the coordinator shall provide notification to the Contract Officer (CO) no later than 14 days prior to anticipated key personnel changes.

1.6.2. Substitute contract personnel and/or sub coordinators shall meet all the requirements outlined in this PWS.

1.6.3. Coordinator shall provide a list of substitute contract personnel and/or sub coordinator and detail information of said substitute contract personnel and/or sub coordinator to the CO for coordination with 21st CONS within 30 days prior to changes in personnel changes performing the work. This is in order to accomplish required background checks, verify educational, and experience requirements IAW the PWS.

1.6.4. Coordinator shall be responsible for payment of substitute contract personnel and/or sub coordinators.

1.6.5. The CO or designee shall be notified at least 14 days before any scheduled leave of absence that would prevent the coordinator from performing the services.

2. Duties and Responsibilities: The coordinator shall:

2.1. Develop, schedule, implement and monitor all Catholic Religious Education (RE) programs at activities. This includes but is not limited to assisting in the evaluation of the Catholic RE program and processes; and coordinating volunteer support for any RE related programs. Examples of specific programs may include Children's RE, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD), Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Bible Studies, Vacation Bible School (VBS), Volunteer Appreciation, Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC), First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and other programs as identified by the Airman Ministry Plan.

2.2. Organize classes, recruit, train and schedule volunteers. If volunteers are not available, the coordinator may be required, and should be able to teach and/or lead classes, programs, or events.

2.3. Coordinate facility requests for Catholic RE activities and programs. The coordinator will be responsible for ensuring security/tidiness of facilities used for Catholic RE programming.

2.4. Ensure that the tenets and teaching of the Catholic faith are taught by catechists in the Catholic RE program. Only curricula approved by the Wing Chaplain and in accordance with the doctrine of the Catholic faith will be used for Catholic RE programs.

2.5. Ensure that volunteers maintain current background checks in order to work with minors. Submit background check documents to chapel background checks monitor. Support and participate in chapel background checks program in accordance with DoD, Chaplain Corps, and local guidance.

2.6. Be present in the chapel at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of required programs. The coordinator shall stay until children are dismissed and all areas are returned to a neat, orderly, and secure condition.

2.7. Develop an annual calendar of all RE activities and budgets for the Airman Ministry Plan (AMP), working in concert with the Catholic Priest, Chapel staff, and other coordinators.

2.8. Maintain records such as, but not limited to training for volunteers, attendance records for all RE programs, etc. Coordinator shall furnish numbers to the AFCCARS base reporter or designee.

2.9. Maintain a current list of names and contact details of teachers, helpers, substitutes, other workers and students involved in the Catholic RE program. All personally identifiable information (PII) shall be kept confidential in accordance with the Privacy Act, AFI 33-332, and any other local procedures.

2.10. Arrange and coordinate ongoing registration for Catholic RE events and programs. Maintain rosters of students, catechists, and candidates for sacraments.

2.11. Attend Chapel Staff Meetings and Catholic Parish Advisory Council meetings. All meeting hours shall count toward unit hours. Coordinator shall communicate updates to Contract Officer (CO) or designee to ensure current programs/needs are up channeled to chapel leadership and the community.

2.12. Manage the Confirmation Program. This includes recruiting Confirmation catechists, organizing one confirmation retreat per year with the catechists and organizing the celebration of Confirmation and reception following.

2.13. Coordinate volunteer training events at least twice per year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Provide additional individual training as needed or requested by teachers.

2.14. Plan and implement (in conjunction with Chapel Staff and other coordinators) events or ways to honor and recognize volunteers.

2.15. Maintain a stock of supplies for programs. Coordinator inventories resources, equipment, supplies, and is responsible for requesting purchases of items to meet the needs of the Catholic RE program.

2.16. Coordinate the purchase of RE and other supplies with the Lead Catholic chaplain or designee. The coordinator shall submit accurate and timely CTOF or Appropriate funds requests in accordance with AFI 52-105 and applicable local guidance. Purchases shall not be made without prior approval.

2.17. Work with other coordinators, Chapel Staff, and volunteers to publicize Catholic RE programs or events via chapel bulletins, signage, social media, etc. as applicable and as approved by the Wing Chaplain.

2.18. Schedule Catholic RE events, schedule facilities, coordinate volunteers, arrange transportation, etc. as required for programs.

2.19. Maintain a continuity file and chapel resources for the Catholic Parish consisting of materials, such as books, audio resources, DVDs, etc. for RE.

2.20. Comply with all applicable Air Force and local instructions for financial management and accounting, facility use, maintenance, and security.

2.21. Be accountable for paying any Social Security payments, Federal or local income taxes, and state unemployment insurance premiums for themselves, as well as any substitute contract personnel or sub coordinator(s) that render services under this contract.

2.22. Design and implement religious education programming for adults, youth and children to assist in building a solid spiritual foundation.

2.23. Maintain healthy, functional interpersonal relationships with personnel including chapel staff, other coordinators, and parishioners. There will be no tolerance for disrespect, harassment, or any unprofessional behavior or activity that could adversely affect the Air Force, Chaplain Corps, or local chapel team by eroding morale, good order, discipline, respect for authority, unit cohesion, or mission accomplishment.

Interested Candidates are requested to forward their resume together with three references from individuals who can attest to the candidate’s good work and steadiness.  Candidates who do not possess the specific attributes/qualifications in section "1.4. Qualifications" above need not apply. This is a part-time position with compensation based on budget and the successful candidate’s experience and qualifications.  

Apply directly at: (scroll down to “Peterson”) in order to expedite your application.  Your application requires providing reference information for (3) individuals including one priest or pastor who can attest to your abilities as they relate to this job posting.  References must include name, title, organization, relationship to you, email address (necessary field) and phone number. Depending on security software, candidates are requested to monitor spam folders for further application communications from MMI.